$ Free/ Per Month
Free Plan
  • Mobile App (Android & iOS)*
  • Customizable Theme Options
  • Limited Instant Push Notifications*
  • Customization Banners or Sliders
  • Product Filtering & Sorting
  • Product Recommendations
  • Real-time sync with Shopify store
  • Account & Order History
  • Default Product detail page
Get Started
$ 30/ Per Month
Basic Plan
  • Customization support for Landing page & Navigation menu
  • Publish Native iOS and Android App*
  • Setup Play store and App store*
  • Unlimited Instant Push Notifications*
  • Wishlist
  • Firebase Integration*
  • Google Analytics*
Get Started
$ Let's Talk/ Per Month
Enterprise Plan
  • Customize Product detail page support*
  • Custom in-depth Google Analytics*
  • Unlimited Revisions & App Updates
  • Unlimited ASO support for App Store and Playstore
Contact Us

Please note that you'll need a developer account to publish your app on the Apple App Store, priced at $99/year. For the Google Play Store, a one-time fee of $25.

Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Mobile App (Android & iOS)
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Customizable Theme Options
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Limited Instant Push Notifications
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Customizable Banners or Sliders
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Product Filtering & Sorting
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Product Recommendations
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Real-time Sync with Shopify Store
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Account & Order History
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Default Product Detail Page
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Customization Support for Landing Page & Navigation Menu
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Publish Native Android and iOS App
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Setup Play Store and App Store
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Unlimited Instant Push Notifications
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Firebase Integration
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Google Analytics
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Customer Support
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Limited Revisions & App Updates
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Customizable Icon Options
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
ASO support for App Store and Play store
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan
Screenshot updates for App Publishing
Free Plan
Basic Plan
Premium Plan

Contact Support

We are available 24x7 to help you for any app related concern.

spin Query?<br><span>Contact Support</span>

    Grow without Interruption.
    We have got your back.

    24x7 Support

    Ensure uninterrupted service to your customers. We are here to help you

    Experts Guidance

    Get Tech experts guidance anytime via live chat, email, and call.

    Powerful Integration

    We help to expand your app functionality with powerful third-party integration. Connect anytime.